Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Here We Go

So, here I am way down south. Where there is literally no winter. It does cool off a bit in January, but the afternoons can still be 80+. And yet I've started knitting.

This year I want to track the work I complete. For years my husband has been after me to keep a diary of my completed art/craft. Each year I give away 10+ quilts and now I am knitting as well. I also sew especially for my niece who will be here very soon. I sent a bag of hats to the homeless shelter at Christmas and gave away several things as gifts, but I don't have any record of any of the work. My plan is to photograph everything I complete in 2008 and post it here.

My plans for the year include:

at least 5 hat/scarf sets for the Christmas Connection

10 hats for the homeless shelter

a knitted blanket for my new niece

a new queen sized quilt for my bed

finish at least 3 projects I have been dreading and have hidden in the closet

place some work in an etsy store

Right now I am working on a quilt for my niece (almost born) and a scarf (knitted) for the Christmas Connection next year. My hope is that by keeping a record I will be encouraged to finish more things and that I will be able to see how much I get done in the limited time available. I hope you enjoy following along and become inspired as well!

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